Shipping Your Own Python to macOS

With the announcement at Catalina’s release that some third party run times will be removed, and the fact that Python 2 is end of life it is time to ship your own. Just like everything in tech, there are many ways to accomplish this. I have been using a tool for about over a year now called relocatable python. The reasons I chose to use relocatable python were pretty good ones in my opinion.

Shipping Jamf Webhooks with Fivetran

Shipping Jamf Pro Webhooks to Snowflake Jamf Pro has a builtin feature where you have the ability to ship a webhook event when specific events happen in their application. This allows for a near real time feed of event based data which you can consume and leverage to gain insights about your fleet. Jamf provides some documentation online, found here. Webhooks are generated automatically, and near instantly when an event occurs.

Data Sharing

Data Sharing is Data Caring ❤️ I have come to the conclusion that there are essentially two types of people when it comes to data. The people that have data, and the people that wish they had the data. Another thought is that I would rather have the data and not need it versus need the data and not have it. For almost the past two years I have had the privilege to work for a great data platform company.